Reading has numerous benefits, but with our busy lives, finding time to pick up a book can be hard. If you find yourself adding books to your to be read list, but never actually carving out time to read the books, audiobooks can help.
5 Ways to Use Audiobooks to Help You Reach Your Reading Goals
Going walking/exercise
Just imagine how many books you can listen to while exercising or out walking! It would be difficult to read a hard copy book while walking, but audiobooks make reading a breeze while you move your body.
Car rides and road trips
We spend a lot of time in our cars and listening to audiobooks during those commutes (long or short) can really help you rack up the reading minutes.
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Bedtime reading
Let your audiobook lull you to sleep. Most apps have an option to set sleep timers so that you don't miss much of the book, when you fall asleep. By adding nightly reading to your routine, you'll rack up the reading minutes and be well on your way to reaching your goals.
While cleaning
How much time do you spend cleaning? Turning on an audiobook while you clean can take your mind off the task and help you crush your reading goals. If you're someone who doesn't care for cleaning, with the help of audiobooks, you might find yourself not minding the task so much.
While waiting
Life is full of waiting. You wait at the doctor's office, the grocery store, and sometimes at a restaurant. Reading is a great way to spend that time - it helps to pass the time quickly and is an opportunity to reach those reading goals fast.
Where to Find Audiobooks
Most libraries offer free access to audiobooks through their partnerships with companies like Hoopla and Libby. Contact your local library for details. Audible is a popular choice for many audiobook listeners, but we use Libro.Fm (we're an affiliate). encourages people to read while supporting local, independent bookstores. Learn more about their mission here.
Just do it!
Choose one of the many ways to access audiobooks and start crushing your reading goals today!
Looking for great read aloud ideas? Visit these fabulous book lists:
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